Russia Claims to Have Empirical Evidence Not Killing Civilians in Bucha

Photo Source: Katadata

New York, MINA – Vasily Nebenzya, Russia’s envoy to the United Nations, said his country would provide “empirical evidence” to the UN Security Council that its troops did not kill civilians in Ukraine and were not involved in the events in Bucha.

“We have empirical evidence to support this. We intend to submit it to the Security Council as soon as possible so that the international community is not misled by the false plot of Kyiv and its Western sponsors,” Nebenzya said at a press conference as quoted by Al Jazeera on Tuesday.

Previously, circulated photos and recordings showing many corpses dressed in civilian clothes strewn in the city of Bucha, Ukraine.

Ukraine was quick to blame the Russian military for the incident, with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba accusing it of an act of “deliberate massacre”.

“Bucha’s massacre was intentional. Russia aims to eliminate as many Ukrainians as possible. We have to stop them and chase them away. I demand new and crushing G7 sanctions NOW,” Kuleba said on Twitter as quoted from Kompas.

Top Western politicians were quick to support and strengthen Kyiv’s claim. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)