Ramallah, 18 Muharram 1435/20 November 2013 (MINA)  – Al-Ahrar center for prisoner studies and human rights said there are still more than 120 Palestinian children exposed to constant abuse and maltreatment by interrogators in Israeli jails.

          In a statement issued on the universal children’s day, which falls on the 20th of November, Ahrar center said that every day, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) detain children under the age of 18 years or hold trials against them in different West Bank areas.

          The center affirmed that the Israeli jailers treat the detained children as adult prisoners, and expose them, according to testimonies by released children, to torture, beating and detention in prison cells.

           The center added that some of these released children suffer from physiological traumas as a result of the abuse they were exposed to by Israeli soldiers and interrogators during and after their detention.

          The center also asserted that there are sick children in Israeli jails and some of them suffer from bullet injuries like Yazid Abul-Rub, a 16-year-old child from Jenin city.

          Yazid was shot in his left thigh as he was walking along with one of his friends near the segregation wall on April 24 and has been in detention ever since.(T/P08/E1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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