Indonesian Ulema Urges Indian to Stand for Justice

Jakarta, MINA – The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and representatives of Islamic organizations urged the Indian government to uphold justice and repeal discriminatory citizenship laws against Indian Muslims.

It was conveyed by Deputy Chairman of the MUI KH Muhyiddin Junaidi when meeting the leaders of Islamic organizations at the Central MUI Building, Jakarta on Thursday, March 12.

MUI and Islamic mass organizations also urged the United Nations to send a fact-finding team to India to implement strict measures in accordance with international law and conventions.

“MUI urges the Indian Government to respect the Eleven UN Security Council Resolutions on the fate of Jammu Kashmir residents to determine their fate by voting (plebiscite) and stopping the blockade of Jammu Kashmir,” Muhyiddin said.

MUI has strongly condemned the actions of Hindu extremist supporters of Prime Minister Narendra Modi against innocent Indian Muslims.

“The violence violates the principles and values ​​of human rights contained in the Charter of Human Rights in the omission of ruling government,” he said.

He warned if the Indian government still acts violently against Indian Muslims, Indonesian Muslims will boycott products from India, and ask the Indonesian Government to cut ties with India.

“Indonesian Muslims to realize Islamic ukhuwah (brotherhood) towards Indian Muslims,” ​​he said.

Attending the meeting were FPI Chairperson Ahmad Sobri Lubis, UIN Jakarta Chancellor Amany Lubis, 212 Alumni Chairperson Slamet Ma’arif, as well as leaders at the central level Islamic Organizations.

The meeting with the central Islamic organization was a request from the Indian Ambassador to Indonesia to the MUI to clarify what happened in Kashmir. However, the Indian ambassador unilaterally canceled attendance at the Central MUI office. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)