Iranian government intends to launch a direct maritime shipping line with Syria to increase support to the Syrian government. (Photo: Fars News file)
Iranian government intends to launch a direct maritime shipping line with Syria to increase support to the Syrian government. (Photo: Fars News file)

Damascus, 11 Rajab 1436/30 April 2015 (MINA) – Iranian officials said on Wednesday that the Iranian government intends to launch a direct maritime shipping line with Syria to increase support to the Syrian government.

Ali Kazimbana, an official at the Iranian embassy in the Syrian capital Damascus, announced at a meeting with Syrian officials that the new shipping line is aimed at increasing trade exchanges between both countries, ARA News quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

Iran is the main ally of the Syrian regime. It has been providing various kinds of support to the Assad government, including food, fuel, weapons and military forces.

The Syrian regime has been depending primarily on Iran in 2014 to provide the country’s supply of wheat and fuel, after the regime lost control of major oil-rich and agricultural areas, especially in the East. (T/P001/R04)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)