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Thousands of Muslims in Lampung Hold Indian Muslim Caring Action

sajadi - Saturday, 14 March 2020 - 07:06 WIB

Saturday, 14 March 2020 - 07:06 WIB


Bandar Lampung, MINA – Thousands of Muslims in Lampung staged the Indian Muslim Defending Peace Action at the Bandar Lampung Adipura Roundabout on Friday, March 13.

The activity that was initiated by Ukhuwah Al-Fatah Rescue (UAR) of Lampung Province was attended by various elements of the community including the forum Muslims Unity, Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah) of Lampung Region, Aqsa Working Group (AWG) of Lampung, Syubban of Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbulllah) ), Al-Fatah Islamic Boarding School students, ACT, FPI, FKMH, and several other elements of society.

The masses gathered at the Adipura Monument wearing white clothes and wearing headbands with takbir sentences and continuing to echo the voices of defense against Indian Muslims.

The action was motivated by the emergence of the Anti-Muslim Law or the Citizens Amendment Act or the “Citizenship Amendment Bill” (CAB) initiated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi who came from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

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The law is a controversy in the public, especially Indian citizens. The law also triggered riots in New Delhi. Since February 23, 2020, at least more than 40 people have been victims and the burning of the mosque there.

The Chairperson of Lampung Province UAR, Sulaiman Abdullah said, UAR and all Muslim Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah) demanded that all forms of human rights violations be violated against Muslims in India.

“In this regard, the Indian government needs to pay attention that the main mission of religion of Islam is to spread and manifest love not just for its adherents, but for all beings in the universe (Rahmatan lil alamin),” he said.

With the holding of the peace rally, Sulaiman hopes that it can urge the Indian government to take decisive action so that the current oppressions can be stopped.

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“Because at any time, Muslims, especially in Indonesia, will never be willing for their brethren to be wronged,” he said.

In the peaceful action, Waliyul Imaam Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbulllah), Abdullah Mutholib read the statement related to the defense of Indian Muslims.

There was also a theatrical action by students of Al-Fatah Islamic Boarding School describing the cruelty of the Government and the people of Hindu India against Muslims there. (T/RE1).

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA).

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