Imaamul Muslimin, Muhyidin Hamidy: Al-Quran is able to guide Muslims on freeing Al-Aqsa. (Photo: MINA)

Bogor, 26 Sha’ban 1435/24 June 2014 (MINA) – Imaamul Muslimin, Muhyidin Hamidy said  al-Quran is able to guide Muslims on freeing Al-Aqsa from  Israeli occupation.

“Muslims have to practice what Allah commanded in the Qur’an and one of the command is establishing caliphate to create Muslims’ unity,” said Hamidy on the international Tablig Akbar  titled “Building The Society Based On Al Qur’an And Hadith Collectively To Solve The Crisis Of Civilization And To Free Al Aqsa,” Sunday.

Meanwhile, Philippines’ ulema, Watteau Datu Ibrahim said Al-Qur’an provides the guidelines for Muslims and it gives  way out  of all problems.”

Young Ulema from Patani, Thailand, Abdullah Abubakar said Muslims have plenty of natural and human resources, but they have not been able to use it properly to fight for the sake of their religion.


Abul Hidayat Saerodjie, the chairman of  Da’wah Council  of Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah) also explained, with Muslim union, we surely can fight for Islam. “If we manage all our resources,  al-Aqsa will be freed at once.”

The chairman of Radio Silaturrahim (RASIL), Hussein Al Athos also stated: “Allah will not accept the charity of people whom they are worldly oriented. But, HE will give the ways to the faithful people  and who seek  Allah’s blessings. ”

Former Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sports, Adiyaksa Dault said, prophet Muhammad is the perfect model in the fight to defend Islamic and Muslim ummah interests. “With the unity of the Muslim, we will be able to liberate Al-Aqsa,” he  said. (L/Syt/P04/P03/E01)

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Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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